Monday, October 6, 2008

Monumental Decision

Well, today I made a monumental decision, and commitment. It is one I have made before, without long term success, but, with hope springing eternal, I am praying that this time it sticks!
I have decided to quit smoking. I've ordered the medication, which is supposed to help, and am working on all the reasons why this is a good decision. You see, I've smoked for 35 years. Yikes! And quite frankly, am tired of being a 'slave' to cigarettes.
What prompted this? My husband, who was taking a creative writing class, had as an assignment a persuasive essay...persuade a friend to quit smoking. As a challenge, I decided to do this essay as well. Mine was called "The Letter", and I wrote it, from one friend to another, upon her deathbed. Well, by the time I'd finished, I was in tears, real ones!
And I realized that could be me! It was, and still is, a real "wake up call". Guess I'll walk around with that essay tucked into my pocket, ready to read should I consider wavering. 35 years of a habit may be hard to break, but God willing, with love and hope, prayer and commitment, this time I'll make it.
Wish me luck! I need it!


Anonymous said...

I'm very proud of you for wanting to quit [again]. I'm sure it will be a tough road, but by golly you've been through worse. Good luck!
Love, Stacie

Catherine said...

Wow Karen - Mom and I are so happy for you. What fabulous news. I know it will be difficult, but you CAN do this! You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. xxooCathy & Mary Jo

Anonymous said...

You can do it! You can do it!!! You can call me anytime....I've been there! There is true freedom that will feel so wonderful when you are a few months smoke-free...I promise!