Friday, October 10, 2008

Good News.....I Think!

As you all know, my greatest passion outside of my family, is quilting. While living in Italy, I rarely got a chance to sew. None of my friends quilted there, they didn't have fabric shops, and unfortunately, we didn't always have reliable electricity. So, at that time, I started playing with designing quilts.

My husband, Vince, has long encouraged me to try and publish. For some reason, he's always believed in me, even when I could find no belief in myself! Finally, prodded one too many times, I submitted some patterns with a book idea to a publishing company. That was several months ago, and finally, yesterday!, I got an e-mail saying the proposal had been approved, and the contracts would be put in the mail.

WOW! WOW! WOW! I'm not even sure what to say! Even though it is not a 'done deal', I still feel like dancing!!! I can't help but be a little excited.

So...Thank God for my husband! Without his continual encouragement I may never have tried this. He is my love, my life, and we are "Better Together". I hope you all will join me, join me in hope and prayer. That I can and will meet all the deadlines. That this will work out. And hopefully, that a new quilting book called "Better Together" is soon on a shelf in a quilt shop near you!


Catherine said...

Karen, We are SO excited for you! You’ve been pouring your heart into this book for years and it’s wonderful to see it now coming to fruition. Your talents for design and color combinations are amazing, and it’s so fabulous that your talents will finally be shared with the “quilting world”! We remain your biggest fans!

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Mom and I are so happy for you. Congratulations. Love, Stacie

Karen W. said...

Karen, I saw 2 quilts that you
had quilted at West Sound Quilters
Show in WA State today and then
met the piecers daughter who
told me how to find you. How
exciting for you to be getting a contract for a book. Sounds like you still have as much energy as when we met at Kitsap Quilters Guild many years ago. Ione and
daughter, Karen