Thursday, August 6, 2009

Page Proofs Here

Ok, So this was pretty exciting! The "page proofs" from Martingale arrived as promised. Upon opening the package and leafing through them, I was so struck...almost made me cry! It's surreal, to say the least, to see your hard work, in color, in what will soon be a book! I suppose it made it "real" for me, in a way it hasn't been before!
I owe such a huge THANK YOU! to my husband, Vince. Without his belief, love and support, this would never have happened! It's funny how one person can see things in you that you can't see in yourself. It makes me hope that somehow, some way, I can similiarly inspire someone else, that maybe I see something they can't, that I inspire them to "try"! After all, it worked for me!

1 comment:

Kelly Ann said...

Hey There...sorry we didn't get to visit...the proofs look great..can you believe it's really real?