Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heading to Montana

Ever had to pack for a long trip? I mean a r-e-a-l-l-y long trip? I have lists on top of lists! All to , I hope, keep me from forgetting something I might really need!

Oh there's the usual suspects...clothes, pajamas, toilettries, but then there's the important stuff..sewing machine, notions, and lots and lots of fabric! A mat, ruler and cutter, scissors, pins and thread! oh, and of course, the quilts that are part of the trunk show!

I suppose I could go on and on, but the bottom line is, when traveling to far away places, take what you can, buy what you forget! Lists are just pieces of paper I'll soon throw away!

As I travel to Montana, I hope your thoughts and prayers will be with my Mother in law. A very special lady having a very tough time! It seems we are inundated with "cancer awareness" ads and new and more promising treatments, but getting the diagnosis is just plain scary! I know we have a tough road ahead and all these lists do is give me something to focus on, something else to think about. That's OK I think, we all find our solace in different things. My hope is that Mom can find a way to cope too, because while I'll be there for her, she's still the one who has to 'take it on'!

So with that said, I think I'll go finish the binding on her "therapy" quilt. More later....

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