Today, I'm getting ready for a visit from my long-time friend, Phyllis! She and I have shared alot over the years, and she's just simply, always been there for me! No matter what, no matter where, and, no matter when!
I met Phyllis at a class I taught when I first started quilting. Back then, it was "see one, do one, teach one"! She and her daughter, Stacie, took the class, and we've been fast friends ever since. Fortunately for me!!!
Phyllis was there when I broke my arm doing a ballerina, tap dance, free fall on an icy deck. And I mean she was really there! It was 4 AM when I called her, and she didn't even ask what happened, just said "I'll be right there." (See what I mean about how great my quilting buddies are?)
She's also seen me through 2 shops, flying out to Washington to help me with a really big show, mailed packages while we were stationed in Italy...you know those things you really need...like fabric, books and notions, and oh yea! Splenda, and as always, been a non-judgemental sounding board for all my grandiose ideas!
I couldn't possibly tell you just how wonderful she is, but I sincerely hope all of you have a "Phyllis" in your life!
Now, I just want to make her visit special. Her daughter is about to have her 1st child, and we'll be working on a baby quilt. In the meantime, I'll post a picture of the guest bedroom where she'll be staying. It has watercolor quilts, significant because that was the class I was teaching when I met her. Gotta run, I'm putting a little basket together of goodies I know she'll enjoy.
Until next time,
Hey Karen - welcome to the blogging world!
Hi! Finally making a comment to your blog. You always know what to say to get me tearing up! Thanks for taking care of ma and for my future baby quilt! Love ya!
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