Well, here I sit, and sit is the operative word! Wednesday morning I got up, and having had only a partial cup of coffee, decided to stoke the fire. Holding a huge log in one hand, poking the coals with the other, I thought I had it all under control. That is, until the log dropped!
Right on my foot. Ever had one of those experiences? Your mind is telling you, uh-oh, this is gonna hurt, yet you are powerless to do anything? Can't move quick enough, can't catch the log! Of course, I moved pretty quick after it hit!!! But, the damage was already done!
So, as the saga continues, I spent most of the day at the doc's, then the ER. After the x-rays, they offered me a wheelchair. Up to that time, I'd walked everywhere. I knew then that I'd broken my foot! Which was confirmed. Broke one bone, chipped another! But the good news is, it's not my sewing foot!
I knew one day I'd figure out a way to get more sit and sew time....just didn't realize it would hurt so much! The moral of the story...use 2 hands when handling logs, and for heavens sake, keep your feet out of the way! More later, Karen
Friday, December 5, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Happy Holidays
Well, Thanksgiving is done. The hustle and bustle of the season has truly begun. I trust and hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It's hard to believe that Christmas is around the corner, and then, a new year!
I love this time of year. Taking out the decorations, the ooh's and aah's of the kids as they see their favorite ornaments. The excitement and anticipation in their eyes! Everything looks so festive, the kitchen almost always smells great with all those traditional holiday treats baking, and the music we listen to only at this time fills our homes.
Yes, it's a wonderful time of year. This year, like many of you, I find myself "scrambling" to finish up those projects I wanted to have done for gifts. I count the days, look at the hours, and wonder..."How will I get it all done?" Maybe if I cut out sleeping?! I seem to do this to myself every year, so maybe next year, I should start in January!
Regardless, I am determined to enjoy the process. I usually get a little "stressed"...trying to find the perfect gift, make the perfect meal, be the perfect Mom, wife, daughter, friend. This year, although I'm sure I'll still try, I realize that the perfect gift doesn't come from a store. It's quite simply the love and friendship we extend to each other every day. The perfect meal won't come from my kitchen, but one made from loving hands will. And try as I might, I'll never be the perfect anything. Instead, I'll just be me and hope that that's enough!
So, have a Happy Holiday, don't get stressed, and give, give, give all the love you can!
I love this time of year. Taking out the decorations, the ooh's and aah's of the kids as they see their favorite ornaments. The excitement and anticipation in their eyes! Everything looks so festive, the kitchen almost always smells great with all those traditional holiday treats baking, and the music we listen to only at this time fills our homes.
Yes, it's a wonderful time of year. This year, like many of you, I find myself "scrambling" to finish up those projects I wanted to have done for gifts. I count the days, look at the hours, and wonder..."How will I get it all done?" Maybe if I cut out sleeping?! I seem to do this to myself every year, so maybe next year, I should start in January!
Regardless, I am determined to enjoy the process. I usually get a little "stressed"...trying to find the perfect gift, make the perfect meal, be the perfect Mom, wife, daughter, friend. This year, although I'm sure I'll still try, I realize that the perfect gift doesn't come from a store. It's quite simply the love and friendship we extend to each other every day. The perfect meal won't come from my kitchen, but one made from loving hands will. And try as I might, I'll never be the perfect anything. Instead, I'll just be me and hope that that's enough!
So, have a Happy Holiday, don't get stressed, and give, give, give all the love you can!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Book Report
I love the title of this post, it makes me feel like a kid again, back in school, having to do a 'book report'. The truth of the matter is though, it's been a really long time since I went to school, and I just wanted to give you all an update.
I did receive the contracts, and with shaky hand, I also signed them. Now the hard work begins! The first samples are due in December with the bulk of the manuscript, all completed projects, instructions, photos, and illustrations due early next year.
I had no idea how much went into this. To say I was clueless, would be an understatement! But like many people, when challenged, we somehow find the resolve to meet those challenges. And like many people, I count myself lucky to have great friends willing to pitch in and help!
I feel certain this will be one of those 'life lessons' for me. But, truth be told, I'm looking forward to it. There can be no reward without risk, no victory without a struggle. As the days go by, and I find myself closer to those deadlines, I hope and pray I find the fortitude to 'press on'. That's what makes all of us so great, the ability to rise to the occassion. I've evidenced it by others on a much greater scale, am encouraged by their examples, and am ready, right now, to get to work! Wish me luck!
I did receive the contracts, and with shaky hand, I also signed them. Now the hard work begins! The first samples are due in December with the bulk of the manuscript, all completed projects, instructions, photos, and illustrations due early next year.
I had no idea how much went into this. To say I was clueless, would be an understatement! But like many people, when challenged, we somehow find the resolve to meet those challenges. And like many people, I count myself lucky to have great friends willing to pitch in and help!
I feel certain this will be one of those 'life lessons' for me. But, truth be told, I'm looking forward to it. There can be no reward without risk, no victory without a struggle. As the days go by, and I find myself closer to those deadlines, I hope and pray I find the fortitude to 'press on'. That's what makes all of us so great, the ability to rise to the occassion. I've evidenced it by others on a much greater scale, am encouraged by their examples, and am ready, right now, to get to work! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Quilts are more than the sum of their parts
I know, I know, I lapsed! This new job has proven to be much more time consuming than I'd originally thought. But, excuses, excuses, RIGHT?
I did have a few people from my new job over recently. You know how it is, as you're trying to get to know people, you ask ALOT of questions...family? kids? music? hobbies? etc???
When I told my new co-workers that one of my greatest joys was quilting, they just kinda 'shrugged it off'. Visions of quilts made from shirts and dresses must have been dancing through their heads! However, as they came here, I saw their visions change.
Most of my quilts are very traditional, but I do have a few of those "artsy" ones hanging around. When everyone saw this one, I believe their opinions of quilting changed. They leaarned, as have I, that quilts can be hung on walls, be decorative, even hold 'center stage'. But mostly, what quilts bring us is joy and comfort. They give us warmth. They bring back memories. Somehow, surrounded by one, we feel nurtured, safe, and secure.
Quilts are much more than the scraps they're made of; they are part of the fabric of our lives. How wonderful it is to be a quilter, how happy I am to be one!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What a Week!
This has been quite a week. You know the kind I mean...running around like a chicken with it's head cut off! Not sure if you're coming or going! For example, I went to the mall the other day, to purchase some new clothes as it's getting rather cold. And I was really frustrated, because as I was reading the signs, everything was supposed to be open by 10. At about quarter after, I asked another person sitting on a bench if they happened to know why the stores hadn't opened yet? She replied by saying that they didn't open till 11 on Sundays. I had my days so mixed up, I hadn't even realized it was Sunday!
Well, such is life! Some days just go by so fast! I am happy to announce that Stacie, Phyllis' daughter, had her baby. A happy, healthy little girl. Mother, father, and grandmother all having a great time as they celebrate a new life!! What an exciting time, but, like me, they may find the days passing in a blur!
As for me, this week, I'm trying to keep my days straight, accomplish something in my sewing room, and somehow, enjoy the process! You know, maybe the days passing quickly is a Blessing. Better to be busy, happily going from one thing to the next, than to be dreading another long, boring day. So far, my days haven't been boring, so think I'll just decide to be Thankful! It sure beats the alternative!
Well, such is life! Some days just go by so fast! I am happy to announce that Stacie, Phyllis' daughter, had her baby. A happy, healthy little girl. Mother, father, and grandmother all having a great time as they celebrate a new life!! What an exciting time, but, like me, they may find the days passing in a blur!
As for me, this week, I'm trying to keep my days straight, accomplish something in my sewing room, and somehow, enjoy the process! You know, maybe the days passing quickly is a Blessing. Better to be busy, happily going from one thing to the next, than to be dreading another long, boring day. So far, my days haven't been boring, so think I'll just decide to be Thankful! It sure beats the alternative!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Good News.....I Think!
As you all know, my greatest passion outside of my family, is quilting. While living in Italy, I rarely got a chance to sew. None of my friends quilted there, they didn't have fabric shops, and unfortunately, we didn't always have reliable electricity. So, at that time, I started playing with designing quilts.
My husband, Vince, has long encouraged me to try and publish. For some reason, he's always believed in me, even when I could find no belief in myself! Finally, prodded one too many times, I submitted some patterns with a book idea to a publishing company. That was several months ago, and finally, yesterday!, I got an e-mail saying the proposal had been approved, and the contracts would be put in the mail.
WOW! WOW! WOW! I'm not even sure what to say! Even though it is not a 'done deal', I still feel like dancing!!! I can't help but be a little excited.
So...Thank God for my husband! Without his continual encouragement I may never have tried this. He is my love, my life, and we are "Better Together". I hope you all will join me, join me in hope and prayer. That I can and will meet all the deadlines. That this will work out. And hopefully, that a new quilting book called "Better Together" is soon on a shelf in a quilt shop near you!
My husband, Vince, has long encouraged me to try and publish. For some reason, he's always believed in me, even when I could find no belief in myself! Finally, prodded one too many times, I submitted some patterns with a book idea to a publishing company. That was several months ago, and finally, yesterday!, I got an e-mail saying the proposal had been approved, and the contracts would be put in the mail.
WOW! WOW! WOW! I'm not even sure what to say! Even though it is not a 'done deal', I still feel like dancing!!! I can't help but be a little excited.
So...Thank God for my husband! Without his continual encouragement I may never have tried this. He is my love, my life, and we are "Better Together". I hope you all will join me, join me in hope and prayer. That I can and will meet all the deadlines. That this will work out. And hopefully, that a new quilting book called "Better Together" is soon on a shelf in a quilt shop near you!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monumental Decision
Well, today I made a monumental decision, and commitment. It is one I have made before, without long term success, but, with hope springing eternal, I am praying that this time it sticks!
I have decided to quit smoking. I've ordered the medication, which is supposed to help, and am working on all the reasons why this is a good decision. You see, I've smoked for 35 years. Yikes! And quite frankly, am tired of being a 'slave' to cigarettes.
What prompted this? My husband, who was taking a creative writing class, had as an assignment a persuasive essay...persuade a friend to quit smoking. As a challenge, I decided to do this essay as well. Mine was called "The Letter", and I wrote it, from one friend to another, upon her deathbed. Well, by the time I'd finished, I was in tears, real ones!
And I realized that could be me! It was, and still is, a real "wake up call". Guess I'll walk around with that essay tucked into my pocket, ready to read should I consider wavering. 35 years of a habit may be hard to break, but God willing, with love and hope, prayer and commitment, this time I'll make it.
Wish me luck! I need it!
I have decided to quit smoking. I've ordered the medication, which is supposed to help, and am working on all the reasons why this is a good decision. You see, I've smoked for 35 years. Yikes! And quite frankly, am tired of being a 'slave' to cigarettes.
What prompted this? My husband, who was taking a creative writing class, had as an assignment a persuasive essay...persuade a friend to quit smoking. As a challenge, I decided to do this essay as well. Mine was called "The Letter", and I wrote it, from one friend to another, upon her deathbed. Well, by the time I'd finished, I was in tears, real ones!
And I realized that could be me! It was, and still is, a real "wake up call". Guess I'll walk around with that essay tucked into my pocket, ready to read should I consider wavering. 35 years of a habit may be hard to break, but God willing, with love and hope, prayer and commitment, this time I'll make it.
Wish me luck! I need it!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Quilters Quarter Salad
Hi You All!
Wanted to post a recipe as this is a great end of summer salad. I call it the "Quilters Quarter" salad because the dressing is a variation of a quarter of something! It's really great, very simple, and has been served at many a Bee and Retreat. So...hope you enjoy!
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Oil
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
1/4 tsp. celery salt
Mix all above and refrigerate. I like to serve this over a salad of baby romaine, cucumber, 1/4 cup raisins, 1/4 cup craisins, 1/4 cup cashews, almonds, or pecans, diced strawberries and shaved parmesan cheese. Just shake up the dressing and toss with salad immediately prior to serving. Bon appetit'!
Wanted to post a recipe as this is a great end of summer salad. I call it the "Quilters Quarter" salad because the dressing is a variation of a quarter of something! It's really great, very simple, and has been served at many a Bee and Retreat. So...hope you enjoy!
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/4 Cup Sugar
1/4 Cup Oil
1/4 tsp. garlic salt
1/4 tsp. celery salt
Mix all above and refrigerate. I like to serve this over a salad of baby romaine, cucumber, 1/4 cup raisins, 1/4 cup craisins, 1/4 cup cashews, almonds, or pecans, diced strawberries and shaved parmesan cheese. Just shake up the dressing and toss with salad immediately prior to serving. Bon appetit'!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Old Favorites
First, I apologize for the lapse in posting. these last few weeks have been quite harried! I've been trying to find the balance.....you know the one.....between work, home, the kids, the committments. How to get it all done!
I suppose that's why I decided to make this quilt. It's one of the first patterns I designed, and quite frankly, just an 'old favorite'. Very simple to make, it's just one block, in four colorways. It makes me smile when I see it. There's just something so soft and sweet about it.
It reminds me of my childhood. We use to get these pastel colored candy dots on paper, similar to an adding machine tape. We'd pop a few in our mouths, and just let the sugary sweetness melt, pocketing the rest for later. They were days of playing in the sun, chasing friends, hop scotch and jacks, innocence and fun!
I suppose, when the world gets too busy, it's relaxing to go back to an 'old favorite'. Like mac-n-cheese, it brings me comfort, transports me to simpler times. Guess it's a good thing I can't eat the quilt, but I think I might make some mac-n-cheese today!
I suppose that's why I decided to make this quilt. It's one of the first patterns I designed, and quite frankly, just an 'old favorite'. Very simple to make, it's just one block, in four colorways. It makes me smile when I see it. There's just something so soft and sweet about it.
It reminds me of my childhood. We use to get these pastel colored candy dots on paper, similar to an adding machine tape. We'd pop a few in our mouths, and just let the sugary sweetness melt, pocketing the rest for later. They were days of playing in the sun, chasing friends, hop scotch and jacks, innocence and fun!
I suppose, when the world gets too busy, it's relaxing to go back to an 'old favorite'. Like mac-n-cheese, it brings me comfort, transports me to simpler times. Guess it's a good thing I can't eat the quilt, but I think I might make some mac-n-cheese today!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Meeting Challenges
Meeting challenges can be fun and rewarding; they can also be mind boggling and stressful! Take the last two weeks...my gosh, I got 'schooled' just trying to get my kids ready for school! I've been to 3 orientations, hunted like a 'mad-woman' for school supplies, done medical and dental appointments, searched high and low for the hottest new trends in clothing, and filled out more paperwork than my cramped hands care to remember!
On top of that, I started a new job, and our Guild had issued a "summer challenge". We were given a paint tile and had to use that color plus at least one other color in half square triangle blocks. You would then arrange them in any manner you please. The one challenge I managed to meet!
So, YEAH!!!! school has started, the paperwork is done, and at least one challenge has been met. What's next? Who knows, but I'm sure....it'll be a challenge!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Summer's Hummers

I just Love hummingbirds, they're just so entrancing! For such tiny things, they are absolutely amazing!
I have several feeders scattered through out the yard, and often, as we sit outside, we find ourselves mesmerized by their antics. Always busy, they flit from one feeder to the next, their wings moving at an impossible rate. Yet, occassionally, you see them at rest.
There are times when I feel like a hummingbird...finding myself flitting from one project to the next, always in a hurry, in a rush to get to the next best thing! But, like them, I find I also need time to relax, to reflect. As I rush from thing to thing, worry to worry, I wonder...am I letting my busyness overcome my joy? Am I not taking the time to "smell the roses"?
So this week I read a book, took a bubble bath, played Scrabble with the kids, watched the sunset, lived, laughed and loved. And you know what? I feel renewed, revived, refreshed. Ready now to get busy again, just like "Summer's Hummers".
Monday, August 11, 2008
Time Flies!
Why is when you're having fun, time just seems to slip away? It never seems to fail! My friend, Phyllis, came for a visit last week and it seemed like one minute she was here, the next, gone! But WOW! did we ever have a great time..and we accomplished quite a bit too!
She made two baby quilts, one with chenille, and one 'crazy' quilt, a pillowcase, and managed to get two bindings on! I only managed to finish a top from a pattern I'd written and make one Tumbling Blocks quilt for the expected new arrival!
Her last full day here was, by far, the best. Another great friend, Martha, took the day off from work and the three of us had a "sew day' A mini-retreat! Golly, between the three of us we laughed (side splitting), sang, danced (a little) and sewed (alot)! It was a great, wonderful, "chicken soup for the soul" kind of day.
If you haven't had one of those in a while, I encourage you to invite a few sewing buddies over! It's always fun, never fails to inspire, and greatly enriches your life! I simply can't wait to do it again. Thanks Phyllis and Martha for the love, laughter and friendship you bring!!!
Monday, August 4, 2008
My Best friend is coming to visit!

Today, I'm getting ready for a visit from my long-time friend, Phyllis! She and I have shared alot over the years, and she's just simply, always been there for me! No matter what, no matter where, and, no matter when!
I met Phyllis at a class I taught when I first started quilting. Back then, it was "see one, do one, teach one"! She and her daughter, Stacie, took the class, and we've been fast friends ever since. Fortunately for me!!!
Phyllis was there when I broke my arm doing a ballerina, tap dance, free fall on an icy deck. And I mean she was really there! It was 4 AM when I called her, and she didn't even ask what happened, just said "I'll be right there." (See what I mean about how great my quilting buddies are?)
She's also seen me through 2 shops, flying out to Washington to help me with a really big show, mailed packages while we were stationed in Italy...you know those things you really need...like fabric, books and notions, and oh yea! Splenda, and as always, been a non-judgemental sounding board for all my grandiose ideas!
I couldn't possibly tell you just how wonderful she is, but I sincerely hope all of you have a "Phyllis" in your life!
Now, I just want to make her visit special. Her daughter is about to have her 1st child, and we'll be working on a baby quilt. In the meantime, I'll post a picture of the guest bedroom where she'll be staying. It has watercolor quilts, significant because that was the class I was teaching when I met her. Gotta run, I'm putting a little basket together of goodies I know she'll enjoy.
Until next time,
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