Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Prayers Please

Have had a good week, and also a bad one. Did 6 book signings last week, attended a huge quilt show, and found out my mother-in-law has cancer. I've hesitated posting, I suppose because everything is still so fresh, and it's scary!

Now, I've been able to do some research, am (I hope) over the shell-shock, and ready to move forward. I think the hardest part of any process is the "unknown". It seems whenever we're confronted with something, and we have to wonder "what if", we are paralized. Yet, once we know what we're up against...well, the fighting instinct takes over, and we're ready to "deal".

Mom's oncology appointment is Thursday, surgical appointment is Friday. So, what I ask today... if you are willing, well, say a prayer for Jennie Miles, one of the absolute, greatest women I've ever known! I am in awe of her, frankly, have always been! She can do anything! But, I guess, this is one fight where I feel more comfortable knowing we have a 'whole bunch of back-up'.

Thank you all. God be with you!

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